Awesomed By Comics Podcast
A weekly awards show/wrap-up of the week that was in the world of comics, hosted by a husband and wife team of journalist comic book fans in NYC. Weekly features include sound effects and swearing. Please also visit

This episode of Awesomed By Comics is brought to you by the pop art commercialization of an ancient fable. In a week with WAY, WAY, WAY more comics than anyone should have to read in a week, Siege finishes up without incident, the Heroic Age kicks off with the most worthy of champions, Booster Gold is funny again, the Unwritten is predictably stellar, pets have accidents, and the Sentry's farewell is somethin else alright. We extend a thank you and welcome to new listeners and then proceed half-cocked, and the thesaurus plays an integral role.

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Direct download: ABCP_Episode_93.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:15pm EST