Awesomed By Comics Podcast
A weekly awards show/wrap-up of the week that was in the world of comics, hosted by a husband and wife team of journalist comic book fans in NYC. Weekly features include sound effects and swearing. Please also visit

This episode of Awesomed By Comics is brought to you by HTTC, a new segment on the show that you just really don't want to know the origin of. We say goodbye to legendary runs on Wonder Woman and Power Girl, welcome back the Avatar of Death, cheer Jonathan Hickman's wise protest in Fantastic Four, and discuss whether Rise of Arsenal #3 is in fact the worst comic ever written, or just the second worst. Also make sure to stay through the end of the show to hear us take our cats to Taco Bell. This is not a euphemism for anything.

Tell us what you think on our blog, visit our show forum, and leave an iTunes review!

Direct download: ABCP_Episode_95.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:47pm EST

This episode of Awesomed By Comics is brought to you by a second consecutive week of Dio tributes, except this one involves fancy salad and ridiculous shoes. Aaron discovers how all the Grant Morrison Batman fans feel, as he cannot believe how critical Evie is of Bendis's talksturbation-filled Avengers #1. Ex Machina shocks by seeminly wrapping up an issue early, (and we don't spoil it) Aaron loves the hungry hungry hijinx of Galacta, and Evie says long live the Legion relaunch (what is this, volume 17? 18?) Also a little bit of Lost-talk, because of course.

Tell us what you think on our blog, visit our show forum, and leave an iTunes review!

Direct download: ABCP_Episode_94.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:19am EST

This episode of Awesomed By Comics is brought to you by the pop art commercialization of an ancient fable. In a week with WAY, WAY, WAY more comics than anyone should have to read in a week, Siege finishes up without incident, the Heroic Age kicks off with the most worthy of champions, Booster Gold is funny again, the Unwritten is predictably stellar, pets have accidents, and the Sentry's farewell is somethin else alright. We extend a thank you and welcome to new listeners and then proceed half-cocked, and the thesaurus plays an integral role.

Tell us what you think on our blog, visit our show forum, and leave an iTunes review!

Direct download: ABCP_Episode_93.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:15pm EST

This episode of Awesomed By Comics is brought to you by a flashback to the last episode of Awesomed By Comics, because this joke isn't getting old even a little bit. Secret Six, Codebreakers and Echo kill with badassery, Brightest Day is totally like whatever, Batman and Robin is surprising, maybe? and we give our obligatory review of Iron Man 2. Also, don't miss Evie sit in for Conor on this week's iFanboy Pick of the Week podcast!

Tell us what you think on our blog, visit our show forum, and leave an iTunes review!

Direct download: ABCP_Episode_92.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:59pm EST

In honor of Free Comic Book Day, this episode of the Awesomed By Comics Podcast is absolutely free! We discuss the predictable death of a certain X-Man, Marvel's Iron Man copout, another faithful Jim Henson adaptation, and the joys of owls, funny ghosts and puppies. Aaron is impressed by complex storytelling set in war-torn sub-saharan Africa, and Evie loves owls, funny ghosts and puppies. Also we talk to some kids about comics we don't read and know nothing about, then we talk to an adult about comics we don't read and know nothing about - but now own.. Also also, Aaron's on Twitter!

Tell us what you think on our blog, visit our show forum, and leave an iTunes review!

Direct download: ABCP_Episode_91.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:49am EST